The Countdown begins...
February 27, 2023
On 21st of February we had our conscientisation programme. We chose the topic on menstruation. Anagha, Anitha, Bharath and I were a team. We prepared and presented it well.
sessions are needed in more specially to their parents in order to eliminate the undesirable tendencies among people regarding menstruation. We also realized that how progressive is our new generation which is a good sign.
On the same day we had the talent show of 9th standard students. I became so happy to know the talents of our pupils.
February 27, 2023
On 21st of February we had our conscientisation programme. We chose the topic on menstruation. Anagha, Anitha, Bharath and I were a team. We prepared and presented it well.
sessions are needed in more specially to their parents in order to eliminate the undesirable tendencies among people regarding menstruation. We also realized that how progressive is our new generation which is a good sign.
On the same day we had the talent show of 9th standard students. I became so happy to know the talents of our pupils.